EPLI Insurance, Employment Practices Liability Insurance

As soon as you meet a prospective employee for an interview, your company is at risk of an employment claim. These claims can range from the prospective employee claiming they were not hired to do to their race to a long-time employee who claims they were wrongfully terminated. JHS Insurance Services, LLC. can provide your business Employment Practices Liability (EPL Insurance) to fight claims such as, allegations of sexual harassment and wrongful termination and discrimination in terms of race, religion, age, sex and disability.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance In Los Angeles

EPLI Insurance

Every company which employs at least one person is subject to employment claims. Lawsuits against employers are filed every day; more than one-third of the claims are made against small businesses. If you own a smaller business, you are vulnerable to these claims; usually due to the lack of a big legal team. Once legal and court fees are considered, an employment lawsuit can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. EPLI policies will cover the cost of your business defending a lawsuit in court, whether your business wins or loses the case.


Employment Practices Liability Insurance Helps Secure the Protection You Need

Let us help you secure the protection you need from employment claims and allegations. For almost 40 years the professionals at JHS Insurance Services, LLC. have been aiding healthcare professionals with their medical professional liability insurance needs. Let us assist you with  EPL Insurance for your business. In addition to providing EPLI, at J.H.S. Insurance, we also provide extraordinary customer service. Our professionals are always available to assist with situations and answer any questions that come to light. Our services are available throughout the year, not just around renewal time.

* Protects healthcare professionals/employers against allegations of sexual harassment and wrongful termination and discrimination in terms of race, religion, age, sex and disability.



Let JHS Insurance secure the protection you need
